RDSim is a high-fidelity Robo Delivery Simulator designed for autonomous delivery systems.
- Realism: RDSim integrates advanced SLAM, localization, planning, and control technologies within the Gazebo simulation environment.
- Modularity: The simulator supports various robotic platforms and is designed to be easily extensible for different applications.
- Autonomy: Features include MPPI-based motion planning, topology-based navigation, and GPS-IMU fusion localization for real-world deployment.
- Multi-Sensor Support: RDSim enables sensor fusion with:
- 3D LiDAR SLAM (e.g., Velodyne, Ouster)
- IMU integration (e.g., Xsens, MicroStrain)
- GPS localization (e.g., RTK GPS)
- Ease of Use: RDSim offers Docker-based deployment, enabling a seamless setup for simulation and development.
Tested on Ubuntu 22.04 / 24.04 with ROS 2 Humble and Gazebo Fortress / Ignition.
RDSim Overview
SLAM Integration using GLIM and HDL Localization
Topology-Based Navigation with MPPI Control
Outdoor Driving Simulation with GPS-IMU Fusion
Features and Updates
(2024.11) Ongoing Enhancements
- ROS 2 control integration
- Segmentation of drivable areas
- Advanced behavior tree (BT) applications for decision-making
(2024.10) Advanced Planning and Control
- MPPI controller tuning
- Topology map navigation with Nav2
- GPS + IMU + HDL-based relocalization
- Topology Map Editor for flexible route planning
(2024.09) SLAM & Localization Improvements
- Nav2 package configuration
- GLIM factor graph to PCD conversion
- Localization with (HDL localization) & Nav2 integration
(2024.04) Initial Development
- Based on CitySim
- Basic robot control and navigation
- Docker container support
- Gazebo dynamic actor simulation (gazebo_sfm_plugin)
See more details in Extension Modules and Demo pages.